
跳至導覽 跳至搜尋
第49行: 第49行:
|Economics  Student Association
|Economics  Student Association
|Ethnology  Student Association
|International  Trade Student Association
|Money  & Banking Student Association
|Accounting  Student Association
|Statistics  Student Association
|Business  Administration Student Association
|Information  Management Student Association
|Finance  Student Association
|Risk  Management & Insurance Student Association
|Journalism  Student Association
|Advertising  Student Association
|Radio  and Television Student Association
|English  Student Association
|Arabic  Student Association
|Slavics  Student Association
|Japanese  Student Association
|Korean  Student Association
|Turkish  Student Association
|Law  Student Association
|Applied  Mathematics Student Association
|Psychology  Student Association
|Computer  Science Student Association
|Diplomacy  Student Association
|Education  Student Association
|IMBA  Student Council
|European  Languages and Cultures Student Association
|College  of Communication Undergraduate Degree Program
|Asia  Pacific Studies Association
|Executive  Master of Business Administration  Association
|Innovation  and Intellectual Property Association
|International  Master's in Applied Economics and Social Development Association
|Undergraduate Program of Communication Student  Association( UPCSA )
|Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures student Association
|NCCU Student  Dormitory Association
|Student Association of International College of Innovation

於 2023年4月20日 (四) 08:36 的修訂

編號 學生團體 英文名稱
A001 研究生學會 NCCU Graduate Student Association
A002 學生會 NCCU Student Association
A003 中文系學會 Chinese Literature Student Association
A004 歷史系學會 History Student Association
A005 哲學系學會 Philosophy Student Association
A006 政治系學會 Political Science Student Association
A007 社會系學會 Sociology Student Association
A008 財政系學會 Public Finance Student Association
A009 公行系學會 Public Administration Student Association
A010 地政系學會 Land Economics Student Association
A011 經濟系學會 Economics Student Association
A012 民族系學會 Ethnology Student Association
A013 國貿系學會 International Trade Student Association
A014 金融系學會 Money & Banking Student Association
A015 會計系學會 Accounting Student Association
A016 統計系學會 Statistics Student Association
A017 企管系學會 Business Administration Student Association
A018 資管系學會 Information Management Student Association
A019 財管系學會 Finance Student Association
A020 風管系學會 Risk Management & Insurance Student Association
A021 新聞系學會 Journalism Student Association
A022 廣告系學會 Advertising Student Association
A023 廣電系學會 Radio and Television Student Association
A024 英文系學會 English Student Association
A025 阿文系學會 Arabic Student Association
A026 斯拉夫文系學會 Slavics Student Association
A027 日文系學會 Japanese Student Association
A028 韓文系學會 Korean Student Association
A029 土文系學會 Turkish Student Association
A030 法律系學會 Law Student Association
A031 應數系學會 Applied Mathematics Student Association
A032 心理系學會 Psychology Student Association
A033 資科系學會 Computer Science Student Association
A034 外交系學會 Diplomacy Student Association
A035 教育系學會 Education Student Association
A036 IMBA學會 IMBA Student Council
A037 歐文系學會 European Languages and Cultures Student Association
A038 傳播學程學會 College of Communication Undergraduate Degree Program
A039 亞太研究英語學程學會 Asia Pacific Studies Association
A040 經營管理碩士學程學會 Executive Master of Business Administration  Association
A041 科管智財所學會 Innovation and Intellectual Property Association
A042 應用經濟與社會發展英語碩士學位學程學會 International Master's in Applied Economics and Social Development Association
A043 傳院大一大二不分系學會 Undergraduate Program of Communication Student Association( UPCSA )
A044 東南亞語言與文化學士學位學程學會   Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures student Association
A045 教育行政與政策研究所研究生學會
A046 國立政治大學住宿生學生會 NCCU Student Dormitory Association
A047 師資培育中心教育學程學會  
A048 創新國際學院學生會 Student Association of International College of Innovation